Become An Ecstatic Dance DJ
The world of conscious movement is blooming and after the collective trauma of the pandemic more than ever we need spaces for connection and healing. Ecstatic Dance Bern is committed to being a source of dance, the possibility of conscious movement, connection and healing for as many people and as often as possible, in Bern and in the whole world.
The heart and focus of this course will be on the shaping of the conscious movement journey, which is – as we see it – also the heart of our art. The approach will be completely ‘hands-on’ You will plan and prepare, get feedback, revise and perform. Basics will be covered through video tutorials. Technical questions and problems will be dealt with as they come up. Completion of the course will culminate in each participant having the opportunity to play a longer set in a public Ecstatic Dance event.
The course is designed to developing the following skills:
- crafting a coherent conscious movement journey using various models
- installing, setting-up and using Native Instruments Traktor Pro 3 (software) and a DJ Controller (hardware)
- preparing your music for performance (categorise, create playlists, set beat grids and cue points, etc.)
- making basic transitions between songs
- finding and buying music
- giving and receiving feedback
- organising your music on your hard disk, in iTunes/Apple Music and Traktor Pro 3
- designing a 90 or 120 minute mix and performing it live
- Course Leader: Robb Correll